Saturday, December 11, 2010

Alexander's Social Life - The Last Two Weeks

Friday, Nov. 26 Playdate at our house with friend Wesley Turkington, to the opening of Harry Potter and sleepover at Wesley's house

Saturday, Nov. 27 End of Grade 5 Party at The Vaal

Sunday, Nov. 28 Thanksgiving dinner at the Irwins

Wednesday, Dec. 1 Friend Jamie Beedar's paint ball birthday party (my principles forsaken) followed by sleepover at friend Andrew Sampson's house

Thursday, Dec. 2 Andrew Sampson's end of year party at his house

Friday, Dec. 3 Friend Christopher Braithwaite's birthday party to see opening of Spud (movie based on boy's experience at SA boarding school)

Sunday, Dec. 5 Friend Alexander Roy over for playdate

Monday, Dec. 6 Movie outing with friends, Rahul Shah and Peter Irwin, to see Harry Potter 7 (for the second time)

Tuesday, Dec. 7 Friend Peter Irwin over for playdate and sleepover

Wednesday, Dec. 8 Friend James Lavor over for playdate

Thursday, Dec. 9 Friend Mbali Tshabala over for sleepover and playdate

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