As you are all aware, we have a bad seltzer water drinking problem in this household. We hoped that our move to South Africa was going to be the change that would finally break this nasty habit, but as you can see below, no such luck. There are many costs to seltzer drinking: monetary, environmental, and psychic.
We tried to stop, but in the short time we have been here, we quickly developed a 4 litre a day habit. |
About 4 or so years ago, Matt and Jess introduced us to the Soda Club maker, preventing us from going broke, ruining the environment, and improving our self-esteem. If only we could find soda club here in South Africa. Low and behold, I was walking down the aisles of the Hyper PicNPay, which is a grocery store with a footprint the size of a small midwestern city, when I came across the SodaStream starter kit. We picked up 2 extra 60L CO2 cylinders so we won't run out unexpectedly.
With SodaStream we now can feel good about drinking seltzer. All is well in the world... |
Such Intrepid Travelers you are! Thanks for the pics and the journal. I love reading/looking at all of it.
That's great. We finally moved up the distribution chain for carbonators. At first they were shipped from the east coast, then from LA. Last night I placed an order and saw that I can leave the empties on the front porch and the delivery service will swap them. No more taking the empties to UPS.