Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sister Quince is Coming Soon

Peter Twichell got the award for first visitor but sister Quince is going to get the award for first family visitor and first visitor on a non-work related trip. She is arriving 13 December and we can't wait.

I will give her a day to get over jet lag and then we are off and running. Here are some things planned: tour of Soweto - hopefully by my friend Oupa; trip to Lesedi Cultural Village, described by lonely planet guide as cheesy and touristy, yet fun; day trip to Pilanesburg - see post below; visit to Cradle of Humankind to learn about where we all began; trip to African Crafts market so Quince can buy us stuff to hang on our walls; tour of Constitution Hill; day at Apartheid Museum.

But let me tell you about our Christmas Eve and Christmas plans. Christmas Eve we will drive up to Hartbeesport Dam (a little over an hour away) for a 10am tour of the Elephant Sanctuary including hand-in-trunk walk with the elephants. Then we will go to the Welwitischia Country Market so Quince can buy us more stuff to hang on our walls and we will buy her lunch. A late afternoon walk along the dam, light dinner, and then off the Cheetah Lodge where we'll stay for the night. We'll have a two-course breakfast at the lodge, and will head over to the De Wildt Cheetah Center to see the cheetahs run, followed by a game drive around the reserve. We'll get back late morning, freshen up and have a Christmas lunch at the Center featuring "festive cold meats and salads." And then we'll leisurely make our way back to Jozi for a cozy Christmas night at home. I haven't quite figured out when stockings fit into this plan.

Maybe we can get Quince to be a guest blogger while she is here to post on Christmas with the cheetahs.

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