Tuesday, November 2, 2010

House Search Update

The hunt for a new house continues. I have looked at big houses, small houses, fat houses, skinny houses - and none are just right. Okay, one is 92% right. It is modern, beautiful kitchen and even has a gas burner - almost all stoves here are electric. Open plan dining room and lounge (what we would call a living room), play room, study. Double story - with 3 bedrooms upstairs, bathroom adjoining the two kid's rooms, fantastic main (aka master) bedroom, his and her sinks in en suite bathroom - and get ready, get ready - a walk-in closet. Okay call me shallow and materialistic - I have always wanted a walk-in closet. Okay not always but ever since my sister Quince started handing me down her wonderful cast-offs and I finally had some clothes worth hanging in a walk-in closet. Second most fantastic feature to this house is the outdoor entertainment area. A covered patio feature that is large enough for outdoor lounge set and dining area. One of the things I have fallen in love with here is the way you can be dine and lounge outdoors at your home year-round. It gets cool in winter in the evening but nothing a little fire pit thingey can't warm up.

So I know you are asking what is the 8% wrong. Let me back up a moment. I saw the house, fell in love, chatted with the owners, found out their daughter goes to same school as Quince, they know Matt and Aimee - all good things for us. Bill saw the house the next evening and said, yes this is it. We contacted the agent, negotiated the price, started the paperwork. The owners liked us and accepted the price. Then, and only then, did they fly down to Capetown to look for schools for their 2 daughters. Now any of you who followed our efforts to find a school for Quince know that this is no small feat - and apparently even harder in CT. They came back after long weekend, success for one daughter and a maybe for other.

They were supposed to have a definitive answer last Thursday night as to whether the school had a spot for their daughter. No word on Friday so we had to sit through the weekend, holding thumbs (with crossed fingers). For sure I'd hear something on Monday - nothing. They left a message for the agent last night saying "Penny, I have news." Good news, bad news - what kind of news???? Penny called them 4 times and left messages, sms'd them this morning, called again at 10am. It is 11:40am Tuesday morning and I am waiting, phone right next to me. Like waiting for a new boyfriend to call.

Okay - if you read this before there is an update please hold thumbs for us!

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