Saturday, April 9, 2011

December Weather

This is an old post that was written back in December but not posted.

Another couple of inches and we would be skiing.

Two days ago, after a hot day the skies clouded over and rain poured down, thunder clapping right overhead. Quince was looking out the picture window and yelled for us to come look - the rain was pushing all these moths out of the ground. No wait, not moths - it was crickets jumping into the air. We ran over to look, and quickly realized it was hail coming down, hitting the ground hard, and bouncing back up.

Yesterday, same thing, hot, hot day bringing on intense thunderstorm with hail, dropping the temperature at least 20 degrees in a few minutes. The kids, along with two friends over for playdates, watched the rain and hail come down, and then couldn't resist.

They suited up in warm rain gear and went out to play in the hail storm.

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