Saturday, April 9, 2011


I am feeling particularly in love with South Africa at the moment and thus my flurry of blogs. One of the things I have come to luxuriate in are the cut flowers. Since I am not gardening - which I don't miss - I have occassionally allowed myself the luxury of having beautiful cut flowers in our house. I go to Dunkeld Fruit and Flower and wander amongst the buckets of color. I spend 30 minutes putting together a bouquet - just ask Kate who called the process something like epic (I don't think she meant in a good way).
I start with something that catches my eye - usually a flower that is unusual (at least to my American eye), like proteas or these minature birds of paradise. Then I wonder around looking for what might go with it. Adding some, taking away others, determining what is the perfect filler green, until I am satisfied. Then I take it to the guys behind the bouquet counter and they snip and arrange and wrap in cellophane, tie with a big bow, and hand our joint creation back to me. The Protea-The Giant Protea is the National Flower of South Africa What pleasure I get both in the process and in my days of enjoying them in my house. Even now as I write this, I can't help but occasionally glance over and smile at how beautiful they are.

1 comment:

  1. Those purple flowers in the first picture are some I just discovered this year and we've planted them in pots on our deck along with some marigolds and fluffy yellow flaming things. Georgeous!

    Then I went to Mommy's a week ago and she HAD to show me these cool new flowers she's planted in her front garden and -- guess what! -- the same ones again!

    Sort of reminds me that we all look up at the same moon...
