Saturday, March 19, 2011

Moshi Monsters

Quince’s recent obsession has been Moshi Monsters.  Moshi Monsters are Japanese anime-styled cartoon monsters which have different personalities.  There are Moshi Monster books and a web-site, of course.  There is the free version of the web-site and then the paid subscription part where you get more monsters and can do more with them. 

Quince has been drawing the Moshi Monsters and sharing them with her classmates at school.  When she first started drawing them, she was besieged by her classmates clamoring for a drawing.  Things have calmed down more recently. 
She has also branched out into Moshi Monster currency and hopes to start a Moshi Monster market economy!
The rare Moshling Three Monster bill


  1. i'm proud to be an owner of a Qunice Moshi Monster original. Lovingly hanging on my fridge door :-)

  2. Cool! How much M3 (Moshi Monster Money) do I need to rent a room in your house for a week? We want to come visit! :)

  3. I've just spent a pleasurable half-hour or so reading/looking at/ these wonderful blogs! What flowers! What a party! When can I come???

    Love to all (and still waiting for advice from Alexander and Quince about books they'd like Bill to bring back from the US...)
