Thursday, January 6, 2011

From the Sublime (discussions about the nature of The Soul) to the....Here-and-Now-Sublime

Interloper Blogger Q, the Elder owes one last long blog before the Hopkins/Macleod's return from their vacation, but just one comment for now: I am only one week back to the states, and I am already halfway through my jar of hot mango atchar. And am frantically trying to find a state-side source for it before I run out. Next time I go to RSA? I will still pack a suitcase full of the "necessities" the Hopkins/Macleods require (grape jelly, reese's cups etc.) but it will only be so that I have an empty suitcase to stuff with this amazing spicy tangy condiment that goes as well with lamb curry as it does with eggs and...I'm thinking "melon" at the moment....soon-to-sign-off-guest-blogger-Q